See Our Article on Cash Sales in MedTrade’s August 1st Newsletter!
To get a better understanding of how cash sales can help your business, Health Mobius has published an article in MedTrade’s August 1st Newsletter to help you get an idea of what you could be missing out on. Get a glimpse and what the article contains below.
“To understand the caretail/cash sales challenge, we must be able to state the problem in very simple terms for the purpose of finding a satisfactory solution. The way I see it, HME/DME dealers and pharmacies need to offer more cash sale items to better engage their customers and generate additional revenue. This can be accomplished by offering more retail products in-store and/or online.
The challenge for in-store is physical space requirements. The challenge for online has to do with the uncertainties of eCommerce, especially with regards to rapidly changing technology, expertise, and resources.”
To read more, please click here to see the entire article. If you have any questions or would like to know more about getting set up to start expanding your business, please feel free to contact us at 855-640-9500 or visit us at If you would like to schedule an appointment to meet at Medtrade, please use the contact us form at and someone will get back to you with more information.