People often ask about the capabilities of Health Mobius and how it can directly help their business. Whether it’s a doctor, gym owner, non-profit organization, or even a new brand looking to promote their new product – Health Mobius can help. The program’s philosophy is to become an intricate part of your care strategy.
Let’s say you are a personal trainer. Every day, your clients ask for recommendations. How can I track my activity? How many calories did I just burn? What should I be eating? All these questions lead you to accommodating their health needs by sending them to Sports Authority or Walgreens to get the products they desire. Why not have your own online store to supply the products your clients want? This program will not only allow you to provide the product and service, but will allow you to get paid for your efforts. It is another stream of income for your business and a whole different dynamic to your business model. Imagine promoting a brand new service for your business without hiring additional staff that gets you paid for work you ARE ALREADY DOING! Health Mobius can bring this reality to life.
Social Media has become a primary source for businesses to share information with their fans and followers. From Twitter to Instagram – people promote their business through these channels. Health Mobius understands the versatility of the web and will integrate your social networks onto your online store. Whether you already have your own website or would like the online store to be your home-base – we can integrate our program into your business. Come see what Health Mobius can do for you today!